A man who rose from inferior status to graduate engineer


An impressive photo in the season of graduating that quickly went viral on social networks showed Klanarong Srisakul, who graduated from Chulalongkorn University wearing an academic gown and prostrating himself at the feet of his father, a humble garbage

The story of his family is a good example of how to raise children successfully. It made us realise that having a family with superior status is no guarantee of achieving in life – it depends on bringing up them aware of responsibilities.
His family was short of money but with one making great effort and working hard they were able to fund a son’s education. However, economical spending by his son (in this case) could also help his family overcome financial obstacles (Klanarong said the more he spent the more his father worked hard).
Klanarong could not achieve all that he wished for. He failed the entrance exam to become a soldier, while his father only completed Prathom 4. But with perseverance and attempts to take his failure as a lesson and life skill it strengthened him towards to his goals.
Sutipunt Bongsununt