This crazy, arbitrary thing we call life


The recent untimely death of two graduate students from a Buddhist university raises the question of why bad things happen to good people. Life unexpectedly dealt a fatal blow to two human beings, normal people who were denied life before old age.

Christopher Reeve, famously known for his role as Superman, fell from a horse and suffered a devastating paralysis and died later at the age of 52. Two years later, his wife Dana Reeve, 44, who was a non-smoker and ardent champion of spinal cord research, died of lung cancer.
These tragic incidents should serve to remind us that life is random; you are here today but can you be sure that you will be alive tomorrow?
Christians believe that we are God’s children, and no matter what happens, it is His plan for you. Buddhism points to the laws of karma: what happens to our life has something to do with how we lived past lives and how we live now. There is no easy answer.
At the end of the day, we have to move on and do our best to live in this wonderful world.
Surapon Vatanavigkit