How China does its deals


The executives taking the Ultra Wealth investment course tour Alibaba and other booming firms

PARTICIPANTS IN Thailand’s Ultra Wealth investment course got to see how some of China’s biggest movers and shakers operate on a recent trip to Shanghai and Hangzhou.
The executives in “Ultra Wealth – Year 1” enjoyed a warm welcome at the offices of record-breaking retail giant Alibaba.
Ultra Wealth director Chaipat Lertraktaweekul explains that there are three segments to the course. 
“‘Ultra Investment’ focuses on investment tips from the masters in every field. ‘Ultra Deal’ is business matchmaking, with educational trips around Thailand and overseas. And ‘Ultra Network’ shows how to get the most out of contacts at home and abroad.”
The trip to China was the first one for the inaugural course, Chaipat says. 
“It was an opportunity for our Year 1 participants to visit the facilities of world-class brands and glean some business ideas. Those involved in the same kind of business as the hosts could explore opportunities. 
“We chose China because it’s an economic powerhouse and we visited Alibaba, the world’s largest e-commerce business, founded by Jack Ma. We were honoured that one of its top executives, Simon Xie, came to welcome us. |He’s 26th on China’s billionaires list.” 
The Thai group was also impressed by the 13-floor Superbrand Mall, situated in a prime location in Shanghai’s financial centre, on Lujiazui Road in Pudong New District. |“Alibaba and Superbrand are regarded as two of the giants |of modern business,” Chaipat points out.
Other stops included the neighbouring historic “water town” of Xitang, its waterways crossed by more than 140 bridges, and a factory in Hangzhou that makes MG cars.
Pannusa Boonsri, who’s in the furniture trade and is one of the participants in “Ultra Wealth – Year 1”, says he often visits furniture manufacturing plants in China, but was delighted by his first trip to Alibaba.
“It was very interesting, especially since I’m one of its customers and since business trends are changing so dramatically these days. 
“I think the course is going to be a significant help for me in improving my own business. Plus, apart from gaining new friends and partners, you have a perfect platform for sharing investment ideas, even at the dining table or parties.”
Another course member, Sasamon Sanguansin, says he was really looking forward to the Alibaba visit “because the whole world is watching them”. 
“Fifteen years ago Jack Ma was just another businessman, and now he’s one of the world’s retail leaders, so I really wanted to |find out what his keys to success are. Two years ago I had the |chance to discuss doing business with Alibaba, and with this trip that’s now closer to materialising.”
Follox the Money
- The Year 2 Ultra Wealth begins in August. Get the details at