Why shop at rip-off supermarkets?


Re: “The world’s most expensive vegetables?” Letters, June 15.

Instead of wasting time calculating the per kilogram cost of vegetables and writing letters of complaint to The Nation, Juha could exercise the right to shop elsewhere than this rip-off supermarket (and I think I can guess which one it is).
Take your eco-friendly shopping bag to whichever fresh market is closest to you in Pattaya, Khun Jula.
There you will find a range, variety and standard of vegetables unavailable in supermarkets. What is more, you can hand-pick each tomato, each potato, each broccoli stalk, even each pea if you have the patience, and take as little or as much as you wish – vegetables don’t come in pre-packed polystyrene boxes at Thai markets.
What is more, you might be pleasantly surprised at the cost and you will have the satisfaction of helping the local economy, rather than some supermarket chain.
David Brown