Khon Kaen University misses its chance to help


According to the website Thai Pulse on August 2, Khon Kaen University has banned its students from holding a debate on the draft constitution because the student organisers were from the “Vote No” camp and the school didn’t want the public thinking it was

But, as Bertrand Russell said, “Education should have two objects: first, to give definite knowledge, reading and writing, language and mathematics, and so on; secondly, to create those mental habits which will enable people to acquire knowledge and form sound judgement for themselves.”
Participating in the forum would have helped voters to form sound judgements – especially if both the pro and anti camps were given equal opportunity to present their cases. A joint forum would also have promoted dialogue between the opposing sides and made it clear that the university wasn’t taking sides.  Thus, to fulfil its mission, the school should have promoted the forum, with the proviso that both sides be given equal time and with a forceful moderator to keep the debate on topic, aimed at shedding light and not heat – and it should have aired the proceedings live.
Burin Kantabutra