WEDNESDAY, May 01, 2024

US election a tale of blind loyalty and vampire hunters

US election a tale of blind loyalty and vampire hunters

Re: “What Trump’s success says about America’s character,” Opinion and Analysis, October 11.

Dick Meyer misses a couple of reasons why some Americans are still supporting a lunatic for president. Die-hard Republicans in the US have a long tradition of ultra-loyalty to their leader, come what may. Not even Trump’s remarks about female genitalia have dented his popularity among white racists and blue-collar workers who feel bypassed by the Washington establishment. Compare that to Thailand, where party loyalty sits very lightly on most politicians’ shoulders.
Moreover, let’s not exaggerate knowledge of history among American voters. In last Sunday’s debate, both Clinton and Trump briefly mentioned Abraham Lincoln. This led to a frenzy of quizzical activity on the Internet, with the 16th president’s name googled more than any other for several minutes. Who was that guy? Of course, as Nation readers will be aware, he was the eponymous vampire hunter of a 2012 movie.
Barry Kenyon
Chon Buri
