THURSDAY, May 02, 2024

‘Global warming’ is part of a plot for a world government

‘Global warming’ is part of a plot for a world government

Re: “US climate scientists seized by fear of Trump presidency” (The Nation Dec 16).

Such utterences continually appear in the media and are both groundless and irresponsible. Trump has met with Al Gore and others campaigning on the issue but like many others, including scientists, he is sceptical whether humans are causal, believing there is a hidden agenda.
Over the billions of years since its formation, planet earth has passed through many changes in climate, and well before the existence of human beings. The planet has been both a hot humid swamp inhabited by dinosaurs and a glacier-covered frozen ball with mammoths and in just about state in between these extremes. The claim that worldwide temperatures are increasing is disputed by satellite-sourced data that shows little change in temperature and even a slight reduction over three decades.  
Objective consideration based on reality and history would suggest that the claim that mankind’s activities are causing the planet to heat up has an ulterior motive. It is a declared fact that there are political forces intent on creating a single world government. The fear of global warming is just one of the tactics employed to instil fear in the Earth’s people. The message is the world population will only find safety by submitting to a single world power that can control all global affairs and all mankind’s activities. Only such a new world order would be able to stop the life-threatening burning of fossil fuels to save the planet. Carbon tax is no more than a scam on a scam promoted by the elite.
There is absolutely nothing fragile Homo sapiens can do to control the climate of planet earth. It is an out of shape sphere with a soft centre that erupts at will and is controlled by the moon and the sun. In such a mega- powerful context, puny little people are of little importance. They are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. To believe otherwise is delusional arrogance.
JC Wilcox
