The Doomsday Clock is ticking loudly again


To paraphrase Winston Churchill, so-called president Trump is “a bull who carries his own china shop around with him”.

His mendocracy is approaching Dali-esque levels of oddness as he and his staff indulge themselves by capering around in the post-truth White House theatre of the absurd.
However, it would be pointless to list the grotesque and growing sequence of dissembling, evasions and convenient revisionism. Suffice it to say that, should rank stupidity prevail, we are in for an “interesting” four years, as the old Chinese curse would have it.
Moreover, it’s instructive that the Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock was this week moved to two minutes and 30 seconds to midnight – 30 seconds nearer than last year. This is the closest it’s been to striking the apocalyptic 12 o’ clock for over half a century. That was back about the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, in fact. Afraid? Perhaps you should be.
Dr Frank