Trump leader-worshippers suddenly become libertarians

MONDAY, MAY 01, 2017

I have to laugh when Trump supporters pretend to be civil libertarians and express their outrage that right-wing lunatic Ann Coulter was not allowed to speak at Berkeley college. What short memories they have.

At one of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign rallies, a white man sucker-punched a black protester, and Trump offered to pay the white man’s legal fees. There were threats from Trump supporters to assassinate Hillary Clinton if she got elected and one pro-Trump psycho said they would arm themselves and storm the White House if Clinton won. Donald Trump himself can be seen in a clip online shouting “Punch him in the face”, as a demonstrator is removed from a Trump rally.
When Mr Trump and the dreadful people who support him behave like fascists, is it really fair to expect impressionable young college students to behave any differently when a vicious, right-wing nut-job like Ann Coulter is invited to speak at their college?
Eric Bahrt
Chiang Mai