Media bill is ‘attitude adjustment’ by another name 

TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2017

Re: “Media bill was aimed at ‘regulating’ not ‘controlling’”, The Nation, May 14.

Regulating is controlling.
“For more than 20 years, you have been regulating yourselves, but it’s proved that it’s not been successful.” – Media reform committee chairman Air Chief Marshal Kanit Suwannet.
To be fair four military coups in that time may have contributed to the failure of self-regulation.
Well, these people already believe that being a military makes you particularly fit for governing a country, so no wonder he may believe that being an engineer is an adequate capability for regulating media.
It is the same crap as saying “attitude adjustment is creating understanding”.
Just the fact that a media reform commitee exists should say something. 
Media bill was aimed at “regulating” not “controlling” –  so now it is aimed at controlling not regulating, right? Are there any military on the commitee ?
“We can’t control what people think, right?.”
 No, but you can make up laws where if people ever utter something you don't like, you can put them in prison. 