Parents to blame for kids’ phone addiction 

MONDAY, MAY 29, 2017

Re: “Get young kids ‘away from phones, tablets”, The Nation, yesterday.

I tried tablets with my kids, they caused fights and the kids wouldn’t do anything but play with them all day, so when the tablets broke they didn’t get replaced. That was a couple of years ago already, and my kids are fine without them.
Now, what to do about the adults?
Very true – I see the young kids here mesmerised by their parents phones which are given to them as a form of surrogate dummy. Mind you, the parents themselves then go into a half-crazed withdrawal state when the phone is handed over, as it is the end of the world as they know and experience it, so it becomes a vital necessity to give the four-year-olds a phone of their own. All this from people who continually proclaim “We are poor.”
I have not seen my 22-year-old stepdaughter without a phone in her hand in six years. Ten selfies a day keeps the narcissism in play.
“Parents should stop letting young children play with tablets and smartphones...”
Because prohibition has worked so well in the past. What is needed is teaching responsible use of these devices. However, considering that personal responsibility is not one of the cornerstones of Thai upbringing and education, don’t expect anything to change.
A relative has a 9 y/o child with serious ADHD issues (undiagnosed, they refuse to address). He spends all his time in front of an iPad. His personality is well, autistic, and he chucks a wobbly when the iPad is taken from him. One such incident occurred with me at the breakfast table when I said “when eating at the table in my house, we don’t use tablets”. Sad to see him torn between his hunger and obsession. Not happy!
Another point brought out in the media recently is the change in creative-inventiveness of the new generation many of whose childhood bears no resemblance to that of ours where there was more freedom to climb trees and explore. In the modern world, this has all been quashed by safety security and liability concerns and of course the access to tablets and phones. No wonder this generation are the way they are!