Thai authorities are shutting down online freedom


Re: “Online content providers will have to register with regulator”, The Nation, yesterday.

Who is going to regulate the regulators? Obviously there should be something out there to control “inappropriate” content, but some of these “regulators” are power-crazy nerds of very low intellectual standing.
I assume “inappropriate content” refers to the truth about how this country is governed now.
I wonder why a lot of people always moan about the loss of freedom on the Internet in Thailand.
I would ask those moaners whether they have looked into what is going on, Internet-wise, in their own countries?
In the Western world, more and more governments are trying to curb the Internet, and succeeding. Slapping huge fines on Facebook, Google and others is also a way of curbing providers often used by governments.
This is a completely inadequate comparison. The type of content that is currently (or potentially) banned in Thailand is not banned (or attempted to be banned) in democratic countries. It is considered as basic and obvious freedom of expression.
If these entities decide to register themselves outside of Thailand, what happens? Just sounds like the junta crackdown will encourage dynamic, hard-working Thais to move elsewhere. 