Airport mess is our little secret


Re: “PM issues orders to address Don Mueang chaos”, National, August 9.

He also urged people not to criticise the previous incident too intensively, particularly on social media. “What they say will cause damage to the tourism industry,” he said. Easy to see what his main concern is!

Geez, the PM is addressing the situation as a priority, but still the farang whinges show up. Get a life, for Christ’s sake.

If it takes five minutes per person and you are 10th in line at Immigration, that’s 50 minutes before you have cleared the process. That’s way too long.

He is always urging people not to criticise. If there are no problems, there will be no criticism. Unfortunately, nothing will change unless there are comments on social media, etc. Also, social media make sure wrongdoers are followed up, as they should be. For example, unless people kept on complaining about the Red Bull heir, he would never have been pursued.

Giving an order to a bunch of stupid people to concoct a plan doesn’t suddenly make them clever!  It’s obvious that more trained staff are required.  However, in the past it has been difficult to recruit people to do such a boring job and the turnover is high.