Police interrogated over Yingluck flight


If the arrest warrant was only issued a day after she fled, I believed that legally speaking no one has committed a crime including the three policemen or the commanding officer that issued the order. 

It will be just a defendant skipping court sentencing and the person lost her bail. 
Not a legal expert but does seem logical.
Eric Loh

You would have to know whether aiding and abetting someone to plan a crime is a crime in itself under Thai law.
The fact they were knowingly helping someone to jump bail to avoid a court appearance may be an offence. 
You need to know Thai law to know the answer; or wait and see what their charged with, if they are.

I do not believe any police could be involved in illegal activities ...

Maybe these lowly pawns are awaiting for a fat envelope from Dubai as a reward?
Yeah, dream on.
 “Use them, abuse them and lose them” is the family motto.

I am willing to bet, that the Royal Thai Police is not the only organisation connected to her “escape”.

General Prawit Wongsuwan, the man who ultimately has final responsibility for Yingluck’s security and escape needs to find scapegoats fast.

Who cares the horse has bolted, too late to shut the gate now. Just hope the media don’t run an ongoing yearly story on her like her brother. Just forget and move on.

Okay they have been grilled, now they should be fried

If you think that Yingy escaped without the junta’s knowledge then you’re even dumber than the average fanboy.