Trump is easily dazzled, the Chinese are not


Re: “Why Trump should beware Asian hospitality”, Have Your Say, November 8.

Kudos to Chavalit Wannawijtr for his perceptive observations on the twin Chinese seduction techniques of food and flattery. These are likely to beguile Donald Trump, as they have successfully beguiled previous presidents. If my memory serves me correctly, several earlier US presidents have entered office growling like tigers at the Middle Kingdom and left purring like pussycats. This transformation is always wrought by lavish banquets and dazzling hospitality. The Chinese are very good at this. 
At the same time, it is both unfair and stupid for the US to expect the Chinese to do their dirty work for them with regard to reining in North Korea. The Chinese and the North Koreans are ideological soulmates. Why should China subvert one of its allies to serve the interests of the capitalist West? The US should stand on its own feet and handle North Korea on its own instead of running to China and snivelling for help.
Ye Olde Pedant