Real slur on US Founding Fathers is manipulation of Second Amendment


Re: “Gun law hysteria a slur on US Founding Fathers” (Have Your Say, Nov 18).

I’m not sure that Bangkok needs to read a history lesson regarding the Second Amendment to the US Constitution but JC Wilcox’s letter is not entirely accurate. The amendment was never intended to protect Christian values.
The decline of Christianity is not a result of the religion be “under attack”. Recent trends (Pew Research) shows a decline in Evangelicals, Catholics and Protestants while there is an increase in unaffiliated Christians. Non-Christian faiths are also up. Frequency of prayer and importance of religion and religious education all trend lower as education improves. So, Christianity isn’t under attack nor do better educated people not participate or find value in religion. People are simply making a choice. Now for the Second Amendment...
The Second Amendment, when read in its entirety, was intended for a well-regulated militia (remember, in the late 1700s the USA didn’t have a regular army and sovereignty was not secured). From this perspective, and only this perspective, is Mr Wilcox correct. Nowhere does it say anything about Christianity in this amendment. Nowhere in the supporting documentation for the creation of this amendment does it say anything about defending “Christian civilisation”. Original versions of the amendment did however discuss a person’s right to not be compelled to take up a weapon based on religious convictions or in other words, contentious objection (further demonstrating the original intent that gun ownership was directed toward a well-regulated militia). Gun rights organisations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA), and even more conservative organisations like Gun Owners of America and many others, have made it their life’s work to distort the Second Amendment toward for their own means.
The manipulation and perversion of the Second Amend-ment and lack of intellectual understanding is among the greatest of slurs to our Founding Fathers.
Joseph Althouse
Honolulu, USA