Govt’s actions are fuelling suspicions over cadet’s death


Re: “Organs of deceased cadet sent for another autopsy”, National, yesterday.

There’s a widespread feeling that the death of military cadet Phakhapong “Moei” Tanyakan last week was the result of a violent disciplinary beating at the Armed Forces Academy Preparatory School in Nakhon Nayok.
If this death had occurred anywhere else other than at a military facility, it would have been scrutinised more closely by law enforcement authorities. A serious investigation by police would certainly have ensued.
Also, police investigators would be asking autopsy and forensic officials why the heart, brain, liver, lung and intestines were missing from Pakapong’s body when it was delivered to his family for the funeral.
The government should be more forthcoming regarding this extraordinary case. There are so many missing links here.
Chavalit Wannawijitr
Chiang Mai