If diet were an Olympic sport…


Re:  “Is a beauty contest the best way to debate veganism?”  Have Your Say, yesterday.

There’s only one way to settle this, folks. To determine who is fitter, Eric Bahrt or Alf Haupt, both gentlemen should present themselves for a public mano-a-mano competition. The Nation should sponsor a fitness extravaganza, covered in depth by the international media.  There the two contestants can display their bodies, flex their muscles, have their vital functions medically tested under the watchful eyes of the TV cameras (deviants will be keen to monitor the prostate examinations), display their intellectual acuity in a quiz-show competition, and demonstrate their strength by bench-pressing 200 pounds and engaging in an arm-wrestling contest. The event could culminate in speeches by both men expounding their respective philosophies. The Nation’s editorial board could be the judges. The winner would receive a trophy in the shape of a cabbage or a hamburger, depending on his dietary preference.
You could pay for it by charging admission to the avid public and by selling TV and advertising rights to international conglomerates.  It would be the crowning social event of this fast-fading year, and would cement Thailand's reputation as a world leader in promoting innovative activities of global importance.
Waiting for it,
Ye Olde Pedant