Democrats are in chaos and heading for electoral disaster


Re: “Surin’s death a huge loss for Democrats”, The Nation editorial, yesterday.

More generally, Thailand...
His absolute backing of Suthep's chaos didn't do anything for his reputation.
Of course the Dems will miss him, but regardless, like Pheu Thai, they still have no quality leaders ... and so the ongoing soap opera of Thai politics will continue!
The Democrats, through their failure to grasp the nettle, are rapidly becoming irrelevant. When they lose Bangkok, you'll know they're dead.
The Democrats are not at the crossroads but going down a blind alley. And that’s cause for richly deserved panic.
– No consistent message nor political innovation offered for the Thai people. 
– Abhisit both praises the junta and criticises it.
– Powerful Democrat Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra replaced by junta.
– Southern political powerhouse Suthep abandons Democrats.
Their southern strongholds will be further decimated by Suthep’s proxy party that will soon be registered by Paiboon and parties linked to the greens. Every possibility of an internal party fracture if Ahbisit remains the leader. 
Eric Loh