Haven of tranquillity or garden of hell?


Re: “Far-right extremists are trying to pass themselves off as reasoning moderates”, Have Your Say, December 9.

Dear Nation readers: Are you as fed up as I am, at turning with excitement and anticipation to the Have Your Say page only to find it disfigured by a fulgurous beetroot-hued blot of baseless, personal abuse, devoid of logic and infested with distortion, from that purveyor of hysteria and cant, Dr Frankfurt-School? The letters column should be a place of peace, tranquillity and the tinkle of laughter, a place where the sons and daughters of gentlefolk can enjoy good-natured debate over the issues of the day while enjoying an afternoon cup of tea, not some hellhole redolent of a Hieronymus Bosch painting.
I trust also that you, wise readers, acknowledge that liberal fascists have such wafer-thin tolerance levels that anyone with mildly conservative views (such as my good self) is invariably labelled “Nazi”, “supremacist”, and other tired epithets spat forth by the terminally left-ist. I will not repeat my argument for a third time, for I wish to discourage this noxious life-form from rearing out of its beetroot patch to abuse me yet again. Instead, I draw your attention to the last paragraph of Dr Frank’s missive concerning his gonads, for which he previously invited us to “spare a thought”. After the provocations I’ve endured from him this year, I might have wished them a good kicking, but, being the season of peace and goodwill to all men (even Dr Frank), I did not. I wished them well. Now how “extremist” is that?
Yours avuncularly,
Nigel Pike
Phang Nga