Exiled in their own land


The Palestinians used to have a country, the whole place without divisions and no-go areas. Then a ruling colonial power gave their land to another group of people.

They have recently been reduced to such a small parcel of land that they don’t need to be sent to the borders, they are cramped up against the borders. And still Israel has plans to annex more and make movement tougher.
With Israel getting some $3 billion a year from the USA its spending on military ranks it at 14 or 15 in the world (depending which list you choose) leaving Palestinian spending looking like spare change fallen behind the sofa cushions. Pushed off their land, unable to find jobs, housed in ghettos, refused hospital treatment and treated worse than the blacks in apartheid South Africa, these people do not need leaflet distribution to arrive for a protest. They are angry at having lost just about everything they once had. Protest is about all that’s left to them. 