Pantheon of Nobel peacemakers has Hitler and Stalin, so why not Trump?


Re: “Why Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize”, Have Your Say, May 2.

“Alf Haupt” revisits his talent for upchucking the theatre of the grotesque, which seems not to have any limits. Whether Moon, dictators Putin, Xi or any other leader thinks Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize, there are more people who find this suggestion grossly offensive. Not surprisingly, “Alf Haupt” derides decent and well-adjusted letter-writers for “tearing strips off the great man”. We expect nothing less.  
But, to be fair, Trump would be among an august list of nominees and winners of this prize, for example; Benito Mussolini; Adolf Hitler; Josef Stalin; Henry Kissinger, Aung Sang Suu Kyi, and so on. (Sources provided on request.)
Dr Frank