Being a Jew does not mean being pro-Israel 

FRIDAY, MAY 04, 2018

“An Israel-basher accidentally reveals secret weapon”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

I’ll admit Somsak Pola has a point that if I can say it’s a tactic of animal haters to claim to be “vegetarians”, it’s also a tactic of Israel-bashers to say they are Jewish.
But here’s the difference. Much of the public thinks being pro-Jewish is the same thing as being pro-Israel. Therefore by noting I’m Jewish I try to show that one thing has nothing to do with the other. But it is not assumed that being human automatically means you’re a meat-eater since millions of people are vegetarians. Therefore it is irrelevant when an animal basher claims to be a vegetarian, especially when his reason for being one has nothing to do with animal rights.
Eric Bahrt
Chiang Mai