Misinformation an insult to readers’ intelligence

SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2018

Re: UK House of Lords aiding and abetting Muslim invasion (Have your Say, May 11)

Sadly there seems to be no respite from the incessant barrage of “fake news” thrown at us by an assorted crew of conspiracy theorists and dreamers. JC Wilcox tells us that, in the UK, democracy is under feudal attack from the non-elected House of Lords, which is opposing the government’s Brexit plans. It is annoying and frustrating for those of us who are pro-Brexit that the House of Lords is voting against Brexit-related bills, but in doing so it is only fulfilling its constitutional duty by scrutinising Bills passed to it by the House of Commons. However, the Lords can only delay Bills, the Commons will always have the final say. “Feudalism” has no part in this democratic process. Mr Wilcox also states that London has a Muslim Mayor because it has a Muslim-majority electorate. However, according to the 2011 census, Muslims made up only 12.4 per cent of London’s population. That percentage will no doubt have increased, but will still be way short of a majority. 
Mr Wilcox, please do not insult our intelligence with such nonsense.
Robin Grant