How ‘political correctness’ and fear shielded UK rape gangs 

FRIDAY, JUNE 01, 2018

Re: “The legalities in Leeds” and “Full story essential if you’re looking for the truth”, Have Your Say, May 31.

The stories by your writers are only half full. Reporting restrictions were initially imposed on the trial of a Muslim gang accused of multiple child rape. A second restriction order was imposed on the arrest of our heroic reporter/rightwing thug (delete as applicable) for breach of the peace. This second order was unprecedented, and was lifted after protests by both MPs and the media. One may ask why the child abuse trials of Rolf Harris and other 1960s entertainers were not subject to the same restrictions – a clear case of double standards.
It is to the shame of your writers that they failed to mention the underlying issue, that of industrial-scale child abuse by Muslim rape gangs in UK. It took two decades before a professor and an MP finally blew the lid on this monstrous scandal, exposing official cover-ups by police and local authorities which continue to this day. We are talking about tens of thousands of young girls whose lives have been ruined. If it takes a rightwing thug to seek rough justice for children who have been let down abysmally by the system, that thug is my hero.
And that is the full story.
Nigel Pike
Phang Nga