The genesis of misperception


Re: “Proof God is a meat eater”, Have Your Say, June 17.

Both Cain and Abel brought proper offerings (minah) of worship and there is nothing in the text of Genesis to suggest the type of offering is the reason for God’s rejection or acceptance, as Somsak Pola would have us believe. 
On the contrary, the text is clear they brought offerings and not “sacrifices”. Each brought offerings appropriate to his occupation.
The text of Genesis is silent regarding anything wrong with the quality or type of Cain’s offering. God showed acceptance to Abel, rather than Cain, because Abel made his offering in faith (Hebrews 11:4). 
Perhaps Somsak Pola should reflect more on what it means to be compassionate and ethical in the consumption of animals before offering up misrepresentation as “proof”.
I would also like to take a moment to caution Eric Bahrt (“A mission to save animals from slaughter”, June 14). If we think we know all about God and can predict his behaviour, then we are really in danger of creating a God in our own image and likeness. Keep away from the God references, Eric – your value of compassion for other beings is sacred enough.