A prayer, and plaudits for the valiant efforts


Thailand's most updated English news website, newspaper english, breaking news : The Nation

With the nation glued to its television and Internet following the valiant efforts to rescue the 12 boys and their soccer coach trapped in the flooded cave in Chiang Rai, it occurred to me that among all of the internecine bickering and backbiting that is the hallmark of so much of Thai politics and society, when the chips are down Thais join together in unity for a common cause.
I am an atheist, but somewhere deep down, even I offer up a prayer for the safe delivery of these boys, and lie awake at night thinking of the horror of being trapped in a dark, cold cave with rising flood waters.
The Herculean efforts of the Thai Navy SEALs and other volunteers is to be applauded.  Even more, this time Thailand is accepting help from US Navy SEALs who are reported to be on their way from Hawaii. And it seems every stop has been pulled with government resources, such as helicopters, on standby.
Let us all hope for a breakthrough tomorrow with the safe delivery of these young boys back to their loving families.
David Brown