Watch scandal casts shadow over Prawit


Re: Watch scandal not behind Prawit’s removal from panel: PM, The Nation, Aug 17

Well, it should have been.
What would this PM do if he is the next prime minister and cannot use these powers to run the country?  It is really easy to be the PM when you can make up your own rules.
When he retains the PM position after the “election” he will still have the guns and any section whatever he decides is necessary to return happiness to the people.
This is clear evidence that Prayut is fully aware of the “watch scandal” and all the details involved. Does this mean that he will be arrested and charged the same way that Yingluck was? Corruption in his Cabinet that he was fully aware of and did nothing to prevent/stop? Criminal negligence? Just curious...
Samui Bodoh
Now that he has plenty of time on his hands, he will have lots more time to “borrow more watches from friends” who also “borrow them from other friends” who also....
What scandal? He only borrowed them didn’t he? The wonderfully diligent NACC will give him the all-clear once those pesky watch companies eventually decide to stop giving the NACC the run around. Remember guys, if you borrow stuff from friends, just make sure to send the stuff back after they die...
But isn’t this a huge loss of face for Prawit? What will this mean going forward? I still laugh at his excuse that he borrowed the watches from a dead friend. Seven-year-olds could do better than that. Absolutely ridiculous and even more ridiculous that most of the public seemingly don’t care. 
Amazing how long it takes to tell the origin of the wristwatches. If the watches have really been lent, where is the problem of simply presenting the receipts? Due to the duration of the investigation, there is the assumption that the simple lending story is not true. Furthermore, a tax investigation should also be carried out. Were the watches maybe purchased abroad and illegally smuggled into Thailand without paying the customs? The whole story stinks worse than a pile of dung in the sun.