TUESDAY, April 30, 2024

Saintly Western democracy hides a devil inside

Saintly Western democracy hides a devil inside

Re: “Putin not fit to be world leader, but fortunately we have Xi Jinping”, Have Your Say, yesterday. 

My father, who was a Chinese scholar, taught me a lot about the teachings of Confucius. There is a lesson on hypocrisy that he always emphasised: Don’t pretend to be saintly while hiding a private agenda inside. Many Westerners simply want to impose their so-called democracy or righteousness on others for their own benefit and purpose, without understanding (or pretending not to) the other side’s culture and practice.  
The list of leaders presented by Alf Haupt is nothing new, just a copy of the “Axis of Evil” patented by the neocons in the George W Bush administration before it waged war against Iraq. The only change is that Saddam Hussein’s name has been buried – together with a million Iraqi souls – and replaced by Syria’s Assad. 
President Trump frequently emphasises his special friendship with President Xi and how much he respects China’s leader. He also showed great appreciation to Putin during their first meeting in Helsinki. I therefore humbly suggest that Alf Haupt nominate Donald Trump to his great list of “soort soek soort”.
Yingwai Suchaovanich
