The fictitious Mrs Constance Beasley


Re: “Allah has His eye on Saudi Arabia”, Have Your Say, October 24.

More than 40 years ago, I came to the conclusion that Mrs Constance Beasley was no more than an imaginary figment. She never was a human being and never will be, and shares this status with her imaginary husband, Mr Horace Beasley.
However, the everlasting Beasley couple seems to symbolise the opinion of The Nation itself, when it seems it does not dare to frankly speak its mind on a given subject.
These were the thoughts that came to my mind when I read “Allah has His eye on Saudi Arabia” and was rather disappointed to see The Nation treating the tragic death of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Kashoggi in a most inappropriate way, like a sort of a tragi-comic episode or funny joke.
As for Allah, the Islamic deity is as fictitious as all the other gods troubling the minds of so many of our fellow human beings. This imaginary being does not need our help to create more havoc on this planet of ours!
Michel Muscadier