There’s a cheap gadget to curb air pollution


There have been many rather far-fetched solutions proposed to deal with Bangkok’s pollution crisis.

Yet a simple and effective solution is readily available. A particulate-removal device is manufactured in South Korea, which electrostatically causes the dust particles in diesel exhaust to lose their state of suspension. These highly effective and simple-to-install devices are available in two sizes – one for trucks and buses and one for passenger vehicles. Both are affordable. 
The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration should simply require that all diesel vehicles entering the capital be equipped with this device. A sticker affixed at inspection stations would easily allow for police to monitor compliance.
If the government would like to actually help, it could simply forego the proposed military-tank purchases and populist schemes and subsidise this programme instead. 
Let’s stop this nonsense of pretending there are “safe” levels of air pollution, twiddling with hoses and making rain, and actually do something that will make an immediate difference.
Michael Setter