Koran is the great barrier between Islam and democracy

SUNDAY, MARCH 03, 2019

Terry Hayden’s letter “Islam is compatible with democracy” is camouflaging the fact that the Holy Koran as dictated by Allah to Muhammad is a religion of war with the goal of Islamic world domination.

The Koran does not accept other religions, while permitting unbelievers to be killed and apostasy to be punished by beheading. Many other examples can be given where activities allowed in a democracy are punished in Islam by brutal penalties such as execution. Only if the Koran were reinterpreted according to Gulen’s ideas, and rewritten without chapters allowing the killing of unbelievers and other directives that contradict democratic values, could Islam perhaps be compatible with democracy. 
It will be clear to most readers that the Muslim world is still a long way from accepting such a reinterpretation compatible with democratic principles and refraining from following the scripture to the letter.