Go after the real culprits behind smog – agro firms

FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019

The problem of smog in our country is escalating each year. Chiang Mai this year has become the world’s worst in terms of air pollution caused by PM2.5 dust particles.

The current government doesn’t seem to care much about how the upcountry citizenry are suffering. Instead, they are being too lenient with those who are the sources of the country’s forest fires, and the newly created and worsening problem of fires from the ever-spreading cornfields for animal feed.
Some of the country’s giant agro-companies are rumoured to be closely connected to people in the government. These animal-feed firms are making billions each year while making millions sick with the fires they cause, as well as damaging the country’s reputation as a tourist destination. It’s time the government leaders thought less about which expensive watches to put on their wrists. 
They should and must start working at alleviating the people’s plight now – without prejudice or fear.
Vint Chavala