THURSDAY, May 02, 2024

Fake democracy more damaging than military government

Fake democracy more damaging than military government

Khun Vint Chavala – “At least the military is not a stooge of the West” – and JC Wilcox – “Democracy seems a poor fit for the Kingdom” – said it right.

Where is democracy in the UK, where the majority of the population voted for Brexit yet Brexit will never take place because it is not in the interest of those in power? Where is democracy in the US, where a president has been democratically elected but is constantly harassed by his opponents who will exploit every loophole to undermine his authority? Where is democracy in Europe, where countries have surrendered their sovereignty to a group of unelected thugs whose only interests is to serve big corporations and stay in power as long as they can? Where is democracy in Thailand, where politicians’ only interests are to gain power and enrich themselves by making trades with foreign governments and big corporations at the risk of losing the country’s sovereignty? If that is what you call democracy, I’ll choose a military government any time over your pseudo democracy.
Clara Holzer
