Solution to Thailand’s dog problem is simple: Stop buying them 

MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2019

Re: “Holy cows come home to haunt India’s Modi”, Opinion & Analysis, April 18. 

Your article notes that India has a stray cow problem and that it is against Hindu beliefs to kill cows. If you replaced the words “cows” with “dogs”,” Hinduism” with “Buddhism” and “India” with “Thailand”, the article could have been about the stray dog problem in this country.
Thai Buddhists say it is wrong to kill dogs – though most Thais have no problem killing cows, pigs, chickens and fish. Many animal rights activists believe that euthanising dogs may be justifiable if the only alternative is for them to die a slower death in the streets or in extremely overcrowded shelters.
But a more pleasant alternative would be to stop breeding dogs and get the remaining ones spayed and neutered. And get your dogs from shelters or the street, not from pet stores or breeders.
While I believe many Thais love dogs, they need to be better educated in what is needed to improve the well-being of their canine friends.
Eric Bahrt
Chiang Mai