Eco-revolutionaries have got their science wrong 


It should be of great concern to all citizens with a basic education that, in 2019, there are “Extinction Rebellion” supporters physically blocking the bridges over the Thames in central London. They are pushing the superstition that burning fossil fuels will cause the extinction of the human race within 10 years and that driving cars is killing polar bears.

One of these, a Green Party leader called Roger, boasts: “We can’t get arrested quick enough.” His placard reads, “Rebel for Life”, as he hurries around the capital marshalling his troops on Lambeth, Chelsea, Westminster and London Bridge with a smartphone. It’s serious stuff and the police seem to be joining the “festivities”.
The two gases most vital to life on earth are carbon dioxide and oxygen. These from the basis of the photosynthesis that young children used to learn. Yet these erudite Greens ironically are shouting we will all die if we don’t control the release of carbon dioxide, CO2, through burning fossil fuels. At the same time some scientists say we could be facing a CO2 drought, as we need to produce more food for an exponentially growing population.
These wise Green protesters are of course right that we could become extinct – but they offer the wrong reason. All life on earth depends on trees and plants. Without CO2 they will all die and all life on earth will starve and asphyxiate. We will not be cooked alive by greenhouse gas – which is in fact 90 per cent water vapour. Carbon dioxide accounts for about 2-3 per cent and is harmless. It has no effect whatsoever on climate change. Someone must explain to Roger and his ilk that more CO2 will make the planet greener.
JC Wilcox