Atheists are blind to the divinity right under their nose 

MONDAY, MAY 06, 2019

Christian Knottone has chosen an “argumentum ad ignorantium” as the basis for his “personal belief system”, the “widely misunderstood concept of atheism”. Although many books have been written in defence of atheism, there is nothing to be understood about it except “nothing”.

Although I am generally not well placed together with Eric Bahrt, in this case Eric’s views and mine coincide. The wonder felt when contemplating why there is anything rather than nothing, or the incomprehensibility of pure joy, is proof of the divine nature of existence itself. This feeling does not require a “personal belief system” nor a statue to point to it. It is self-evident, self-authenticating and denied to no one. 
Not believing in existence itself seems rather absurd, but since Brad Pitt and Richard Dawkins are advocates, there must be something in nothing worth believing. 
Michael Setter
Chon Buri