Why Britain might not win this world war


Re: “The lies started with ‘Brentrance’ in 1972”, Have Your Say, May 2.

When I read the following by Nigel Pike, “Fast forward to 2019 and there have been two general elections, one referendum and two parliamentary votes in which the [British] people and parliament voted to leave the EU, and yet the globalists are blocking it and howling for yet another referendum”, although I am an American I felt like standing up to applaud.
The US is facing a similar battle for sovereignty against the extremely powerful globalist-socialist cabal that derives its power from central bankers and controls most of the world’s corporate media. The strategy is the same: use unrestricted immigration to destabilise economic, cultural and religious order, use the media to alter political institutions and use Islam to terrorise Western civilisation. The goal: make everyone clamour for socialist control in order to relieve them of their fears.
Unfortunately, in the UK, it is working beyond Marx’s wildest dreams. 
Well said, Mr Pike! 
Michael Setter