Fear of retribution allows bullies to survive

FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2019

Re: “‘Tommy Robinson’ rejected as Britons sniff out a bad egg”, Have Your Say, May 30.

Fourteen hundred years ago, the area from Gibraltar and the whole Mediterranean basin to India was almost exclusively Christian. Within 25 years of Prophet Mohammed’s death, all the Christians had either been annihilated by the sword or enslaved in the name of Islam. This proved one thing – the sword is mightier than the pen. Little has changed. The totalitarian political ideology that controls by fear continues rampaging across the planet with its ant-democratic sharia-law courts and its indoctrinating mosques. This is irrefutable factual reality.
Out of fear for their lives, few stand up and challenge this continuing onslaught. Those who have the courage are condemned as criminals by their own Christian establishment. Freedom of expression stops with the criticism of the “religion of peace”. Tommy Robinson is guilty only of this crime. He spoke out about the illegal and anti-social behaviour of people inspired by this alien ideology. He is not “a criminal, thug and rabble-rouser”. The thugs are the British establishment and police who persecute Robinson to kow-tow to Islam in fear of retribution by this global bully posing as a religion.
The destruction of churches and the murder of Christians in Islamic countries, and even in their own countries, continue unchallenged. Robinson has many Muslim friends supporting him. He is not opposed to Muslims, but he does oppose the continuing advancement of the political anti-democratic ideology of Islam.
JC Wilcox