Pannika should explain herself before public mood sours

TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2019

Once a courageous, strong-willed and seemingly invincible young woman, Future Forward Party spokeswoman Pannika Wanich has suddenly disappeared into thin air. That’s a terribly bad thing for her to do.

Faced with a “do-or-die situation” like this, the longer one stays away from the brouhaha, the more rumour and scandal about oneself will surface.
The latest gossip is that Pannika grew up in a family whose father is a former Communist Party member (there is also a picture of him wearing a hat with a Communist red star on it). Further speculation is that the young FFP spokeswoman must have developed a hard-line political stance from her dad.
Pannika should come out and clear the air now. Only she can solve the problems that she has created.
Vint Chavala