Strengthening immunity one way to avoid Covid-19

SUNDAY, MARCH 01, 2020

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As of February 29, 41 Covid-19 cases had been diagnosed in Thailand. One death has just been reported today. Signs and symptoms of Covid-19 include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Preliminary data suggest that older adults and persons with underlying health conditions or compromised immune systems might be at greater risk for severe illness from the virus.
Certainly the best way to prevent the infection is to avoid getting the virus in the first place. However, there is evidence that moderate exercise, adequate sleep and a healthy diet can enhance our immune system and consequently help to reduce the risk of getting the viral infection.
One practical thing we can do to protect ourselves is getting adequate sleep because lack of sleep will weaken our immune system. That’s because the growth hormone, which has tremendous effects on immunity, is normally released during the first period of Stage 3 sleep. Stage 3 sleep, also known as deep sleep, occurs about an hour after you first fall asleep. As such, simply not getting enough sleep may decrease growth hormone secretion. According to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, an adult should sleep 7-9 hours a night.
Sleep and exercise are inextricably linked with each other. Exercise routinely, but finishing it at least one hour before bedtime may enhance the quality of your sleep and offer additional immune system benefits.
Adopting a good and balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables can also boost our immune system as they are sources of vitamins and minerals.
Other tips include sitting or walking in the early morning sun for 10 minutes. Here’s why: The precursors of Vitamin D -- that is, molecules that produce the vitamin present in our skin -- are activated by the sun, and vitamin D can also boost the immune system.
Besides strengthening our immunity, hygiene habits such as frequent washing of hands with soap and water, or an alcohol hand rub, eating food promptly and using a serving spoon should be maintained during the pandemic period. Regarding smoking, scientists doubt that it increases the risk of people with Covid-19 because China has not reported if any of the infected people were smokers, but previous studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of being hospitalised if you get the flu. Now is a great time to develop healthy habits.
In Thailand, it is recommended to wear a proper face mask in public to protect yourself from viruses, but it isn’t foolproof. Keep a distance from sick people, especially those coughing or sneezing. Also, avoid touching your face with your hands to minimise your exposure to harmful germs. Lastly, if in doubt seek medical attention.

(Dr Thanisorn Thamlikitkul is associated with Romrawin Clinic)