Grinning devil doll Labubu now comes in solid gold


“Labubu”,  a small devil doll with pointed ears and serrated teeth, has now surfaced in many gold shops in the form of pendants.

Srisukan Gold, Sajjaporn Gold and Sumphan Gold are a few of the goldsmiths that have introduced 5-centimetre one-salueng weight gold pendants in the shape of Labubu dolls.

These pendants go for between 8,400 and 9,500, and some gold shops even make bespoke ones that take about two weeks to produce after an order is placed.

The beloved doll was created by Hong Kong artist Kasing Lung as part of his “The Monsters” series. He then went into an exclusive production and sales deal with Pop Mart.

Labubu became one of the trendiest art toys in Thailand as soon as K-pop princess Lalisa “Lisa” Manoban posted pictures of her collection on Instagram.

Grinning devil doll Labubu now comes in solid gold

Some versions of Labubu dolls are now either out of production or being sold online as expensive collectors’ items.

For instance, a set of six Labubu dolls in the “Exciting Macaron” series is going for 16,000 baht compared to the original retail price of 3,300 baht.