‘Death stamps’ that make you happy can be very dangerous, warns Thai medical agency

MONDAY, MARCH 04, 2024

Placing a piece of paper soaked in a hallucinogenic drug or a “death stamp” could spark suicidal thoughts, warned the Department of Medical Services on Monday.

These so-called death stamps are small colourful pieces of blotting paper with a drop of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) that can be placed under the tongue for slow release.

LSD reportedly gives the user a happy feeling initially, but can later cause hallucinations, hearing loss and distorted perception. Some people may even try to harm themselves or consider suicide.

“LSD takes effect within 30 to 90 minutes and the influence can last for up to 12 hours,” said Pairoj Surattanawanich, the department’s deputy director-general.

Sarayut Boonchaipanichwattana, director of the Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment (PMNIDAT), said LSD can spark violence, physical assault or even road accidents.

“Consuming too much LSD can trigger the risk of chronic mental illness, such as schizophrenia, depression, hallucinations or hearing loss [tinnitus]," he explained, adding this condition can take a long time to treat.

He also warned people, especially teens and travellers, to beware of new narcotics that could impact their health.

He advised people to call the 1165 hotline or visit the PMNIDAT website for information. Drug abuse treatment is also provided at a PMNIDAT branch in Pathum Thani and Thanyarak Hospitals in Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Songkhla and Pattani, as well as state hospitals nationwide, he added.