Committed to aligning corporate operations with long-term sustainability goals, Carabao Group Public Company Limited (CBG) has participated in the S&P ESG Index Group B, a well-known assessment on corporate ESG performance, for the first year. CBG has improved its overall scores as well as in ESG dimensions. Company’s percentile ranking has improved from 36th to 83rd in the Beverages sector from over 90 participating companies worldwide.
CBG has been recognized on a considerable improvement in several ESG aspects, with an overall score of 56 out of 100, increasing from 10 in 2021. CBG’s outstanding aspects are a maximum score of one hundred for Environmental Reporting and Social Reporting, more than ninety score in 5 criteria across ESG dimensions including Materiality, Risk and Crisis Management, Tax Strategy, Environmental Policy and Management System, and Occupational Health and Safety. The company’s score can be publicly accessed via this link.
Mr Sathien Sathientham, Chief Executive Officer, said that CBG has actively implemented its corporate mission and continues to keep abreast of international sustainability initiatives to take concrete actions in response to the serious challenges of climate change. Sustainability has always served as priority for our business and operations as well as prospective sustainability action plan sitting at the heart of our long-term business strategy.
The S&P Global CSA benchmarks the sustainability performance of leading companies based on environmental, social, and economic performance, including forward-looking indicators. This enables companies to establish a baseline for sustainability performance and to conduct competitive benchmarking. It helps companies learn from the top-performing companies to improve your own performance as well as arm with information about what is happening in the marketplace along with appropriate strategy that creates long-term sustainable growth.