Tourist fined for washing feet in sink

SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015

A CHINESE woman was fined for washing her feet in a public sink on Phi Phi Don yesterday, following a recent change in policy on the tourist-popular island.

Within half an hour of officers posting a “no foot washing” warning sign at the public restroom, the tourist, who police declined to name, started washing her feet in the sink. “She didn’t pay any attention to the sign directly in front of her,” said Koh Phi Phi-Nopparathara National Park chief Chaithat Boonphupantanti. 
“Our officers took photos of her breaking the law before informing her that she was committing a crime.” The woman was given a Bt1,000 fine and her tour guide was informed of the incident.
Chaithat explained that an area for tourists to wash their feet used to be in front of the toilets, but it had been moved behind the building in January because it was making the bathroom slippery and dirty.