Mother of reckless driver urges crash victims to stop condemning her family


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The mother of a woman who has been condemned publicly for reckless driving that led to the death of nine people in 2010, said each and every member of her family has suffered a traumatic ordeal.
Laddawan Devahastin Na Ayudhya said everybody in her family relies on sleeping pills at night and that she has had to keep a very close eye on her daughter Praewa, who is always depressed and could possibly commit suicide.

The mother also kept apologising for her daughter’s crime in a televised phone-in interview on Thursday – like she has been since the accident took place on the night of December 27 nine years ago. 

She also called on the Justice Ministry to immediately pay the state-commissioned compensation she owes for the nine dead victims and the three injured, adding that she will repay the ministry when she has the money. 

Praewa’s father, Colonel Ratthachai, who was present in the television show, displayed the title deeds of properties owned by the family, saying they have been put up for sale so the families of all 12 victims can be compensated. 

When asked why the payments have been delayed for nine long years, Laddawan only said that it felt as if the incident had taken place yesterday and that she and her family have been traumatised by the tragedy and social condemnation throughout. 

She added that their daughter, who has tried to change her name several times, has returned to live at the family home after her recent divorce. “She is depressed and paranoid every time she goes out or has to sign using her original surname.” 

The mother added that she, her husband and her daughter are all to blame for the incident, and called on people to stop condemning the Devahastin Na Ayudhya family in their social-media posts.