Chulalongkorn University named first AMR reference centre in Asia Pacific region


The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has officially designated the Faculty of Veterinary Science of Thailand's Chulalongkorn University as a reference centre for antimicrobial resistance (AMR), its regional office for Asia and the Pacific announced today (November 19).

In the Asia-Pacific region, this is the first formally designated FAO AMR Reference Centre, and the second to be designated as such globally.
"The designation further strengthens our position to support the global campaign to address (AMR) and help others when needed," said Professor Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Dean of Veterinary Science at Thailand's Chulalongkorn University. "It confirms (our) global approach to research work and campaign to mitigate AMR".
Work at the reference centre is expected to add value to FAO's own work in mitigating antimicrobial resistance in the Asia-Pacific region by providing scientific and technical expertise, diagnostic services, laboratory and field training, coordinating research and developmental studies, and in contributing to FAO projects.
"FAO expects the reference centre at Chulalongkorn University to further contribute significantly to multi-sectoral efforts to address AMR," said Katinka de Balogh, FAO's Senior Animal Health and Production Officer, adding that monitoring and surveillance of AMR in bacteria from animals is critical to actions towards AMR mitigation.
The first of five volumes of Regional AMR Monitoring and Surveillance Guidelines was launched today. FAO developed the guideline in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University Veterinary AMR Cluster (CU VET AMR) in consultations with global and regional stakeholders and experts, especially in Southeast Asia.
"FAO is pleased to present this first of five AMR monitoring and surveillance guidelines, which truly has been a product of extensive and intensive consultative process," said Kachen Wongsathapornchai, Regional Manager ad interim of the Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases at FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
The publication "monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from healthy animals" is centred on healthy animals for consumption and on protection of public health. It provides guidelines on the design of AMR monitoring and surveillance, with a particular emphasis on relevant epidemiology and laboratory methods including data management. 
The publication of this guideline is part of the activities of the USAID-funded Regional AMR Project.