People over 50 most at risk of Covid-19 infection 


People over 50-years old, especially those with congenital diseases, are more prone to coronavirus (Covid-19) infection, said Prof Doctor Yong Poovorawan, head of the Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology at the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.

Yong posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday (February 19) a summary of the Chinese government's study on Covid-19 from more than 72,000 infected patients in the country:

1. Most patients are between 30 and 79-years old , accounting for 90 per cent of the total 

2. 80.9 per cent of patients have slight symptoms and breathe no more than 30 times per minute. Meanwhile, those who have pneumonia account for 13.8 per cent with 4.7 per cent in serious condition.

3. Of 416 patients, no children under 10-years old died, while the death rate of patients aged between 10 and 40 was 0.2 per cent, 0.4 per cent in patients aged 40-50 years, 1.3 per cent in patients aged 50-60 years, 3.6 per cent in patients aged 60-69 years, 8 per cent in patients aged 70-79 years, and 14.8 per cent in patients aged over 80 years.

4. Patients who are medical personnel were 3.8 per cent.

5. The ratio between male and female patients infected with coronavirus was 51.4 to 48.6. The death rate of male patients was 2.8 per cent, females 1.7 per cent.

6. Most of the deceased patients had other diseases, such as high blood pressure 39.7 per cent, heart disease 22.7 per cent, chronic respiratory disease 7.9 per cent, and cancer 1.5 per cent. However, patients who died from the infection with no congenital disease accounted for 32.8 per cent.

7. According to the data, there are many children and adults infected with the virus but yet to show full symptoms. They will be tested soon. 

He added that China CDC Weekly on Monday (February 17) put the death rate in China at 4,584, of which 8 people or 0.08 per cent were below 30- years old and 0.3 per cent, between 30 to 50-years old .

"This disease is more dangerous to people over 50-years old , especially those suffering from congenital disease. They must take care of themselves through regular medical treatment and stay healthy," Dr Yong added.