Mahidol University closely watching staffer showing Covid-19 symptoms


A staffer at Mahidol University is under close scrutiny for Covid-19 infection after showing symptoms such as fever within 14 days of returning from a country that has a high infection rate, the university said in a statement.

Professor Banjong Mahaisawiriya, acting president of the university, said in the statement on Tuesday (February 25): “The university is monitoring the staff closely and is awaiting lab test confirmation from Ministry of Public Health. We also have called in other staff who have made contact with the suspected patient and to test them thoroughly.”
University staff and students who have no direct relationship with the person have been urged them to take care of their health and follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation to protecting themselves against the coronavirus.
Banjong did not disclose which department or faculty the suspected case is from.