'Blood donations cannot stop' despite Covid-19 because of high demand

MONDAY, APRIL 06, 2020

The National Blood Centre has said that it cannot stop blood donations because there are still patients who need blood regularly. More than 10,000 children have blood-related diseases, for which there are no treatments except blood transfusion. The Covid-19 crisis has resulted in a blood shortage in Thailand.

\'Blood donations cannot stop\' despite Covid-19 because of high demand
Currently, the daily blood supply should be around 2,500 units, but the amount is reduced by more than 50 per cent. The available stocks are not enough to deal with patients having thalassemia, a hereditary blood disease.

Those with the thalassemia gene, which comes from the parents, suffer from abnormal haemoglobin production of red blood cells. In severe cases, regular blood transfusion is required.

\'Blood donations cannot stop\' despite Covid-19 because of high demand
In addition, there are also major surgery patients, traumatic haemorrhage accidents, etc. that involve huge blood loss and the operation cannot be postponed.

The National Blood Centre has asked people to donate blood in times of crisis by self-screening before donating blood.
Those at risk, such as those travelling from countries with Covid-19 outbreak or those who are in close contact with patients, should refrain from donating blood for four weeks. Those who have recovered from the disease without any symptoms, also should refrain from donating blood for three months, the centre advised.

Healthy Thai people who would like to donate blood amid the virus crisis can donate at the National Blood Center and hospitals in the blood service branch nearby.

\'Blood donations cannot stop\' despite Covid-19 because of high demand \'Blood donations cannot stop\' despite Covid-19 because of high demand \'Blood donations cannot stop\' despite Covid-19 because of high demand